Vital Balance: Body Systems Harmony
led by Katie Rosevelt
Experience profound healing and improved connection with the earth and your spirit body. In this program, healing energy is moved through your body systems, renewing connections between your body and the seven chakras that support them.
Balancing the chakras simultaneously with the body systems supports improvements in the harmony between your body and spirit. The Vital Balance: Body Systems Harmony takes you through seven different body systems healings-each infused with powerful remote healing that focuses on specific parts of the physical body and the chakras connected to them. Chakras, as the body’s energy centers, influence physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. Emotions and programming held within your organs and body systems are released during this healing.
Choose your own body system to work on in this healing journey. The journey kicks off with a personal session with Katie to go over your goals, perceived limitations, and personal challenges to better understand and honor your personal journey as well as to understand which body system healing is best for you.
Your progress can been seen clearly in your dreams, and this is where you will find great value in access to weekly dream interpretation sessions to monitor what is coming up to be cleared from your body, and how the healing is affecting your body systems. This information shows up with astonishing accuracy in your dreams. We accommodate all time zones, so you'll be sure to find a time that works for you to have your dreams reviewed. If you worry because you don't recall your dreams, read on!
You'll also have program clearing sessions available to you through each week of your journey. If you don't remember your dreams, Melissa will talk you through the programming that is surfacing and channel on what needs to be cleared for a more thorough release.

Associated Chakras:
Crown/3rd Eye
and All 7

Reproductive Organs
Associated Chakras:
and All 7
Associated Chakras:
Solar Plexus
and All 7

Associated Chakras:
and All 7

Below is a full description of the 7-week journey.
Week 1: Brain and Vagus Nerve (Crown and Third Eye Chakras)
Personal Session—Honoring Your Journey
Duration: 30 minutes
You meet with Katie to explore your goals, perceived limitations, and personal challenges to better understand and honor your personal journey. We will look for these themes during your weekly dream and/or program clearing sessions.​
Brain and Vagus Nerve remote energy recording (recording 1)
Duration: 15 minutes
The program commences with the top of the physical body and chakra system. The first meditation channels healing energy into the brain, vagus nerve and nervous system, as well as the crown and third eye chakras. The crown chakra, the seventh and highest chakra, is located at the top of the head and associated with higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. The third eye chakra is located between the eyebrows, and the center of intuition. Write any dreams you have during the week.
Heart Space—Dream Interpretation (3-5 sessions per week available to choose)
Duration: 1 hour
Attend a small group dream session with Janise or Katie to discover how your body systems are responding to the healing, what emotions or energies are being worked through, and what programming is being held in your body that shows up in your dreams. We accommodate a wide range of time zones so that you can attend at least one session whether you're in the US, Europe, Russia, Australia or anywhere in between.
Change your Mind—Program Clearings (session scheduled by request, programming cleared weekly)
Attend a small group session with Melissa to have your programming cleared that is challenging your desired progress, blocking your body from releasing held emotions, or surfacing in conversation. She will also do a rewrite on past traumas as appropriate and download beneficial thought patterns after clearing the programming so that your energy field can be provided with whatever was missing. Even if you only attend dream sessions, Melissa will still clear all programming that surfaced at the end of each week.
Week 2: Heart & Lungs (Heart and Throat Chakras)
Heart and Lungs remote energy recording
Duration: 15 minutes
The second meditation targets the lungs, heart and thyroid, and works with the throat and heart chakras. The throat chakra is connected to your ability to communicate and speak your inner truth, whereas the heart chakra (the fourth chakra) governs emotions. Balancing the heart chakra may lead to greater emotional stability, self-awareness, compassion and openness, and help develop a more harmonious connection with oneself and others. A balanced heart chakra may also support the healthy functioning of the heart and lungs.
Heart Space—Dream Interpretation (3-5 sessions per week available to choose)
Duration: 1 hour
Change your Mind—Program Clearings (session scheduled by request, programming cleared weekly)
Attend a small group session with Melissa to have your programming cleared that is challenging your desired progress, blocking your body from releasing held emotions, or surfacing in conversation. She will also do a rewrite on past traumas as appropriate and download beneficial thought patterns after clearing the programming so that your energy field can be provided with whatever was missing. Even if you only attend dream sessions, Melissa will still clear all programming that surfaced at the end of each week.
Week 3: Digestive & Elimination Systems (Solar Plexus Chakra)
Digestive & Elimination Systems energy recording
​Duration: 15 minutes
The third meditation focuses on the solar plexus chakra and the digestive and elimination systems, including the stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, bladder and kidneys. The solar plexus chakra, located above the naval, not only affects digestion within the body but it also affects one’s confidence, personal power and self-esteem.
Heart Space—Dream Interpretation (3-5 sessions per week available to choose)
Duration: 1 hour
Change your Mind—Program Clearings (session scheduled by request, programming cleared weekly)
Attend a small group session with Melissa to have your programming cleared that is challenging your desired progress, blocking your body from releasing held emotions, or surfacing in conversation. She will also do a rewrite on past traumas as appropriate and download beneficial thought patterns after clearing the programming so that your energy field can be provided with whatever was missing. Even if you only attend dream sessions, Melissa will still clear all programming that surfaced at the end of each week.
Week 4: Reproductive System (Sacral & Heart Chakras)
Reproductive System energy recording
Duration: 15 minutes
The fourth meditation clears non-beneficial energy from the reproductive system and sacral chakra, and then fills those organs, hormones and the sacral chakra with healing light. The sacral chakra is closely connected to the reproductive system, and governs emotions, intimacy and manifestation. When in balance, it promotes optimal hormone production and function. Additionally, an aligned sacral chakra fosters healthy relationships, and the ability to express desires and needs freely. It also helps you to be comfortable in your body and feel pleasure.
Heart Space—Dream Interpretation (3-5 sessions per week available to choose)
Duration: 1 hour
Change your Mind—Program Clearings (session scheduled by request, programming cleared weekly)
Attend a small group session with Melissa to have your programming cleared that is challenging your desired progress, blocking your body from releasing held emotions, or surfacing in conversation. She will also do a rewrite on past traumas as appropriate and download beneficial thought patterns after clearing the programming so that your energy field can be provided with whatever was missing. Even if you only attend dream sessions, Melissa will still clear all programming that surfaced at the end of each week.
Week 5: Muscular & Skeletal Systems (Root & Crown Chakras)
Muscular & Skeletal Systems energy recording
Duration: 15 minutes
The fifth meditation works on the body’s structure; its skin, bones, spine, muscles, joints, cartilage and connective tissue. The muscular and skeletal systems are linked to root chakra, which governs the body’s foundation and stability. The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and grounds the body to Earth. When the root chakra is balanced, it supports the entire musculoskeletal system and immunity, increasing physical strength and vitality.
Heart Space—Dream Interpretation (3-5 sessions per week available to choose)
Duration: 1 hour
Change your Mind—Program Clearings (session scheduled by request, programming cleared weekly)
Attend a small group session with Melissa to have your programming cleared that is challenging your desired progress, blocking your body from releasing held emotions, or surfacing in conversation. She will also do a rewrite on past traumas as appropriate and download beneficial thought patterns after clearing the programming so that your energy field can be provided with whatever was missing. Even if you only attend dream sessions, Melissa will still clear all programming that surfaced at the end of each week.
Weekly Clearing
Melissa will clear all programming that surfaced at the end of the week. She will also do a rewrite on past traumas as appropriate and download beneficial thought patterns after clearing the programming so that your energy field can be provided with whatever was missing.
Week 6: Hormone Symmetry (Sacral & Crown Chakras)
Hormone Systems energy recording
Duration: 15 minutes
This meditation will speak to your hormones and help balance fluctuations and confusion with communications between your chakras, organs and hormone systems. These systems have experienced disruption due to trauma, and you will experience connection between your reproductive system functions and your intuition as your hormones balance and begin to express themselves newly without the wounds you carry in the memory of your hormones.
Heart Space—Dream Interpretation (3-5 sessions per week available to choose)
Duration: 1 hour
Change your Mind—Program Clearings (session scheduled by request, programming cleared weekly)
Attend a small group session with Melissa to have your programming cleared that is challenging your desired progress, blocking your body from releasing held emotions, or surfacing in conversation. She will also do a rewrite on past traumas as appropriate and download beneficial thought patterns after clearing the programming so that your energy field can be provided with whatever was missing. Even if you only attend dream sessions, Melissa will still clear all programming that surfaced at the end of each week.
Week 7: Blood & Endocrine Systems (All 7 Chakras)
Symmetry/Hormone Balancing energy recording
Duration: 15 minutes every day for the week (evening)
The sixth meditation concentrates on the bloodstream and endocrine system. This system of glands and organs is responsible for producing and releasing various hormones to regulate bodily functions, such as metabolism, growth, development, reproduction, sleep, aging, immunity, digestion, body composition, mood and stress response.
During the meditation, healing light moves through the blood, the DNA and cholesterol. It penetrates the pancreas, pituitary gland, pineal gland, thymus, thyroid, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, reproductive organs, and all of the hormones they create.
Healing energy travels not only through the entire body, but also all seven chakras to complete the program and help your physical body and its systems be more balanced, and function in harmony with your energy body.
Heart Space—Dream Interpretation (3-5 sessions per week available to choose)
Duration: 1 hour
Change your Mind—Program Clearings (session scheduled by request, programming cleared weekly)
Attend a small group session with Melissa to have your programming cleared that is challenging your desired progress, blocking your body from releasing held emotions, or surfacing in conversation. She will also do a rewrite on past traumas as appropriate and download beneficial thought patterns after clearing the programming so that your energy field can be provided with whatever was missing. Even if you only attend dream sessions, Melissa will still clear all programming that surfaced at the end of each week.
What People Are Saying
The "Kick Start" recordings kick ass! They are by far my favorite. This journey got in there and kicked the hornet's nest, in a good way!
Sandy, Kick Start Journey
Since I started listening to the audio a few nights ago... (Its incredibly powerful with the light language!) I've had some significant shifts in my dreams: I've had women from college saying goodbye to me, I've cried and I've seen others cry too multiple times, I've experienced forgiveness in a number of ways too... all of these are not normal dream themes for me. Old relationships and sadness are just pouring out of me.
John, Dharmic 6-Pack Coaching with Kick Start Journey